Years ago, a mysterious ship smuggled precious cargo into an exotic land. A standalone entry in the FRAMED series. FRAMED 2 is a noir puzzle game where you re-arrange panels of an animated comic book to change the outcome of the story. Taking place before the events of the original game, FRAMED 2 is the follow up to Hideo Kojima's 2014 Game Of The Year, FRAMED. FRAMED 2 is designed optimized for phones and tablets! LoveShack Entertainment is an independent game developer based in Australia. Follow us @LoveShackers for news of updates & new games.
Our app is perfectly optimized for your devices. This ensures smooth and responsive functionality!
The app works perfectly with your smartphone camera to implement augmented reality features!
Various promotions and gifts await you inside the app. This will be a pleasant surprise for you!
The app data and your settings are always available from the cloud, allowing you to always and everywhere.
The design of the application was developed according to modern standards. New technologies and modern tools have been used to realize the naturalness and realism of visual objects.